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Old 20-12-2007, 22:49   #15
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Originally Posted by Wolfsirius View Post
"you will not be able to show your dog again,, there are many people who will have this problem very soon, i hoppe you are not one of them, paul "

Paul; TO SHOW DOG AGAIN?? I think, if things are like you said, showing dogs (or not showing anymore) is smallest problem then.

I think many people have same questions, like i have; Why you do all this now? If you knew before, why now? If you were there as all "illegals" has happened, why you did not do anything, or open your mouth then?

This is not the most important, what i wanna say to you.
Please, remember, as you attack C. Keizer, you attack hole saarlos wolfhond as a breed. If you want to destroy C. Keizer, what will happen to Saarloos Wolfhonds? There is quite many SWH , where is "louba-tar" in pedigree. By attacking Keizer, you attack in fact against the breed, this case. I am quite sure, that must happened something really bad, (between you and C.K) as you will take this all "in daylight" now.

-and one question more, what is your benefit in this case?

you say i attack mrs Keizer, i attack hole saarloos wolfhound as breed, i have seen all of the saarloos at de louba tar kennels and lots more from breedings, so how many are true saarloos? the saarloos breed is in safe hands, oh yes there are lots of so called saarloos with de louba tar in pedigree because you see thats were lies all the problems, the breed suffers from lots of health problems that have arrisin over the years, the saarloos from france begin to look like another breed this has been noticed at shows by many and for many years now, i have photos of saarloos and registered as saaloos that look nothing like a ssarloos in any way at all, also seen by lots at shows,, nothing bad happend betwwen myself and mrs Keizer, it was a result of what i discoverd going on , i reported all i knew to the club and was asked to be patient as other investagations were going on, there are plenty of true bred saarloos and the breed is in no danger, as for myself my saarloos have never been bred from all are castrated and living in new family homes enjoying life,,, i hope maybe one day to own a pure bred saarloos, there is a problem in the saarloos breed but not all is responable to mrs Keizer , paul
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