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Old 15-09-2004, 14:12   #19
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let me tell you that there is so much in the world that people are doing and i gues there is no way to know about it, and even if you know i am not sure that there is what to do.
i heard of this only because the person who is doing it did not know of my involvment with the bread.
there is a vet in israel that ownes a puppy of ambra and cezer. he has a very good dog. also he claims he ownes a the next generation a mix of one of ambra and cezer with a real wolf from the israel golan hights. i can tell you this wolf is differnt from the carpatian. this man was telling all exited about how he wants to continue breeding this dog with more csw. also he wants to breed he's csw with one of her brothers (same blood) because he has one of the better csw here and because for now there is no new blood lines in israel to breed. (i'm working on that part)
so i don't know what we can do about a person like this? i already let the israel f.c.i know about this, i don't think there is anything they can do.
on another subject- i used to work with a south african breed called boerboel, they are not known by the f.c.i but from what i anderstand it is by choice. they do not want the f.c.i to get a hold of there breed so there will not be deffections in the breed. so maybe it will be better to keep csw only by the origenal club.
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