Thread: Tail
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Old 15-04-2008, 20:47   #66
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Originally Posted by furyos
an other question yu ever see in real furcas ? ..... y m not alone in france to note this problem ..... sorry ....
If you do not agree with the breed standard (which explain exactly the look and shape of the tail) and you do not agree with Mirka who saw MUCH more CzW with the right character so I have another suggestion: don't you think that the problem can be caused by the difference in the character of the dogs? I heard and hear many critics that in the West Europe the character of the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is usualy MUCH worser compared to the character of the dogs in the origin countries.
You are shocked when you see dominant CzW and write it is not correct. But maybe you criticize what you don't know?
I NEVER saw judge which criticized such tail in the origin coutries. In the contrary - for many years the whole champion class was made up of such dogs - SELF CONFIDENT dogs with STRONG character (now it changed a little bit because even in the origin you see more and more "so called" champions with week characters and the tails sometimes even on the belly).
I personaly know many examples when the dogs get worser or much worser note because of the tails caried on the belly. How many dogs you know in France which get worser judgement because of such tails (it means of shy character)? I doubt if any... People write your Ossa is shy but look on the results - she was always judged excellent. Maybe the lack of knowledge about the real character of this breed by the BREEDERS, OWNERS and the JUDGED abroad are the real problem... not the tails carried up...

Originally Posted by freewild View Post
for you what is shape

the first faucille :

or sabre :

because we have on post about the tail
The breed standard has two places which say about the tail:

1) "TAIL: Set on high, hanging straight down. When dog is excited, generally raised up in sickle shape."

And this is sickle:

2) and about the faults:
"FAULTS: - Tail long, set on low and not carried correctly."
"DISQUALIFYING FAULTS : - Tail untypical in set on and carriage. "

Uncorrect carriage of the tail is the tail on the belly... because it says the dog is shy (has untypical character).

BUT... I must agree I saw both types of the tail (sickle and sambre). Even by one and the same dog... Simply becausethe tail is different when the attitiude of the dog is changing...
The sickle (faucille) tails have dogs with good attitude - dominant but 'happy' with good mood. The tail changes to sabre when the dog is not "joking" and no more happy but EXTREMLY serious and tend to be agressive. Wolves and Czech Wolfdogs with tail carriedg like this say "I'm not joking. I will bite if you do not leave".... In many cases dogs handle like in the pack of dogs (wolves) showing their power and dominance. Dog which will carry tail like sabre in contact to people is no more "typical" and the tail is also not carried typical. WHY? Because agressive behaviour by CzW is a DISQUALIFYING FAULT.

In the gallery of Furcas you published nice photos which show how the tail should be carried by Wolfdogs:

**** CALM ("Set on high, hanging straight down.")

Here you can see exactly how look the correct tail settled up (dogs with correct settlement have tendency sometimes to carry tail like this:

**** HAPPY AND PLAYING (dog is in good mood)

**** EXCITED (tail go up OVER the back line)


I can get and show you later some photos of wolfdogs with the tails up but like sambre but I assure you the dog is in NO WAY a friendly and happy animal... Be happy if you never meet wolfdog like with such tail...

Originally Posted by furyos View Post
wolfin ...we don t speak about caracther but in this post about tail ....yu show dogs in other situation from dog show beauty ...bonitation is an exam to details ..... ok it s not nice to see that but y can understand that too if dogs dion t earn that ..
No - tail is not only "beauty" but MAINLY the character. The tails show you a lot about the character of the specific dog...
I saw the photos of the tail of your dogs. Do you have maybe some photos taken on the dog shows where your dogs have "happy" tails up? Do you have any photos with the tails up? Because the tails carried down can be expresion of two main faults.

1) It can be the defect of 'beauty' - dogs which have uncorrect or too low settled tail tend to carry it always down (in such case the dogs have beauty fault even if you like such carring of the tails). In Nitra I saw something different - dog from France which was carring the tail right way but the tail was MUCH to low settled. Anyway he was also not able to carry the tail up...

2) It can be the defect of the character - unstable dogs will never carry tails up in "stressfull" conditions like dog shows. The extrem case is of course the tail on the belly which is showing the shy character of the dog. Anyway if the dog has always the tail down is a dog which is hard to call a "typical Czechoslovakian Wolfdog"...

So you must be carefull because the most common problems be wolfdogs apply exactly to dogs which carry the tail down... Only by such dogs you can meet shy dogs and dogs with wrong settled and carried tails...
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