Thread: wolf percentage
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Old 29-07-2008, 19:15   #31
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Originally Posted by Rona View Post
Angelika, to tell you the truth, I still don't know what tikaani wants to know: whether wolf's genes will ever disappear from CSVs, if CSVs are allowed to live in the UK or if/when DEFRA will legitimize the breed and open stud books for CSVs in the UK..

Tikanni, I'm afraid only DEFRA is in a position to answer the last question, and I doubt if they're willing to.
after chating to local council about the mater, there opinion is that thay have no guidelines for this mater and that as it would be to hard to prove that there was wolf blood in them if they dint know about them then they wont do anything about it. they also sead that some one needs to get there finger out and supply a guide line on this breed to defra and get all councils to follow the same guide lines. they seemed quite excited about the cwd ( in a good way ) and sead if there were more over here then we would have more chance to get them legalised over here. Very nice man. thanks for all the possitive and negative info you all have supplied.
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