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Old 08-12-2004, 08:54   #43
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Thanks Rona,I have been looking at a couple of pedigrees and related documents stating such figures as 25.4365% how can anyone come up with such a highly accurate figure,it makes no sense to try to get to four decimal places without highly accurate DNA testing which is currently not available.
This is just a result of pure theoretical calculations. Besides, genetics does not operate that systematically and distribution of genes is not always even, as far as I remember from school
DNA testing would be a good idea, but as you say, it's unavailable and it could also backfire, if it turned out that the Czechs have wolf's blood both from their wolves' great grandparents AND GSDs.
In my opinion, your main line of argument should follow two paths:
1. The Czechs have been mixed only with other Czechs for so many generations now, that they are no more "wolfish" than other dogs. Besides, if the amount of wolf's genes does not make them wild now, why should it in the future if it remains more or less stable.

2. Wolves (in fact - the ancestors of ALL dogs!!!) ARE NOT DANGEROUS animals. They attact only when hungry, just like packs of wild dogs. In wilderness, there are only rare cases of single packs that hunt farm animals, never people. I 've recently read that in Poland roughly 10% of the wolf population is responsible for over 80% of the farmers' damages. Most wolves fear humans and keep away from them. Some people in some big cities seem to be more dangerous than wolves
Why don't you get in touch with wolveparks' authorities (in Woburn, etc.) Maybe they could help you by explaining to DEFRA the true nature of wolves! Fear stems from ignorance!

Another idea is to prepare and put on the forum a questionnaire for the Czechs owners asking them about their dogs' behaviour and temperament It'd be easier for people to answer specific questions rather than write compositions on "how great my dog is", and on the other hand - such evidence would be more objective, systematic and 'scientific', thus - more comparable and realible (eg. the survey could include such questions as: how many times has your dog bitten a human or another animal, etc. Does it attack strangers, How does it co-exist with other dogs/animeal , how does it behave when/ if... and give options, etc. ) These are only suggestions, of course
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