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Old 16-12-2008, 01:44   #16
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Originally Posted by Nebulosa View Post
So, crossbreed for you is only with other dogbreeds, and how we name cross CzW with a Timberwolf Hybrid like seems you have done?

not a very good start if you cant tell a pure wollf when you see one is it??? not to worry we all learn something everyday, and you want to know what we call such mating, well i take example from CWS lines for this answer maby same as you call Sarik canis lupus x Xela z pohranieni straze ? CWS with wolf? so i must not do this WHY? please tell me? this is my private life i breed other wollfdogs, you have problem with this? so i am not aloud to breed with wolf for my research? but breeders in USA have sent me messages for advice on how to rear pups without useing the barbaric method of taking pups from mother at 10 days old and feeding from bottle to make pups have bond with humans, so this year some breeders in USA will try my method and its all thanks to my CWS who was a great father and without his help it would ot have been possable,, you know nothing about me or the work i do, and if it where not for peoplle like you i have wonderful experiences with the wolf and CWS people only dream of, and that i would love to share with people, for i am so proude of my CWS and my male Soli is something to be prode of, I used my CWS to train a wolf, have you ever witnessed a male CWS take a pup being born from a wolf and take the sack off and chew the cord, like the pup till it takes it first breath,clean the pups, regurgate food to the pups? people from all over the world where amazed at my photos, one man who was shown a certain photo said he had never witnessed this and he signed it for me,, Sir David Attenbrough.... now back to your dull question that you cant ask but ill tell you what you want to know and what you are implying in your question,,, No i will not use any of the pups to breed back to my CWS, o.k. is it o.k. to cross bred the CWS with other breed of dog ? NO why not? other dogs have health problems, so why add more to the pups of such cross breedings, the pure CWS in uk will remain pure, WE WORKED SO HARD OVER THE YEARS AND WE DONT LET CROSS BREEDS REACH REGISTER///// so now like me take a look at all the pics of CWS on wolfdog .org work your way from the north of Europe to the south,, are they the same breed??? now have closer look, dogs that look like bitchs, small dogs, small bitchs, eye colour, shape of eye, tali set, coats soft as poodle, ears??? at shows in France my friends and i see registered CWS that look like jackel or large fox, no substance and shy dogs with tail between legs so much it can not be seen, these dogs have no character hiding behind owners, one of my friends said to me that owner must beat his dog when i lift my hand to greet him he runs behind owner and shakes,, again ALL DOGS ARE REGISTERED ..... cross breeding, inbreeding, but it is there for all to see, look at the posts on different health problems creeping slowly into the CWS,, it is major problem in Europe for the CWS but not in uk for at least we know the cross breeders here and can make sure not one of these dogs ever get registration, you can in Europe stop this for like uk i am sure between all your people some of them will know where it goes wrong and can put end to it, or at least stop substandard dogs offspring from getting registrations,,,,, pacino
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