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Old 20-10-2005, 01:11   #14
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7

I'm from Israel. I know Gennadij and he's the breeder of my female CZW.
As all of u know - a good breeder allways wants to sell the puppies to good owners.
When I was in Gennadij's house to take a puppy, first off all we spoke about the breed and Gennadij told me about the temperament and character of the breed. He never told such things about CZWs that some of u think he said. I believe there was a giant miss understanding.
Also, the puppies were very cheap and Gennadij was happy to sell us one puppy only when we finished to speak about the breed and when he heard that my brother is a dog trainer and relized that my family and I
can be good owners of a CZW.

Surely he didn't keep them for producing puppies !!!!!

Gennadij is a very good breeder. his dogs are trained to defence and they practice agility. He loved them so much and treated them well.
When I needed advices and help with my dog he allways gave good advices.

Don't write bad words on someone u don't know or didn't hear what he says about the subject.

Dolev Roitman
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