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Old 30-12-2011, 22:00   #17
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Originally Posted by Rona View Post
I see you belong to the group who enjoy finding things out for themselves.
this is true for many people, & surely those that ask for advice & then seem to ignore it can be the most infuriating? Certainly I am guilty of this. Sadly the advice must in a way become more logical & cohesive than the impulse to do things my own way.

As a youngster when one is critised too much early on & not heeded then he may become self willed & a little blind to the reason of others. Critical that any advice other than his own could be a poison. Later he finds himself in much trouble if the guardians cannot recover the situation before adulthood.

To try to know oneself, is I think, a little help at least in overcoming these things. People like me must do everything they can to listen carefully & dismiss judiciously. But to not clutter ones head so much, the heart can't think.

But I digress..I am sure you are playing & I thankyou for your good advice, I would never forgive myself if she got hurt due to her own cleverness.
Originally Posted by Rona View Post
Good luck with your girl and have fun discoverning the "more" of her.
Cheers, I will smile through the tears!

Originally Posted by Shadowlands View Post
Hello TimoleonVieta (what an interesting name ),

Female to female hostility is not unheard of in the breed so, were you to get your collie too, just be prepared for the odd time when they will not be friends. The rest of the time, they will get on brilliantly and your CsV will be so happy for the company (4 legged).
Really appreciate you sharing this I think my situation may end up very similar in the next few years with CSV. It is good to know that Scrap was introduced after Shadow, as were the others you must be a kind soul! I have been worried that it would be very hard that way; CSV then collie, but no, this has helped I think it best I concentrate on CSV alone first, reassured that a new introduction later can be positive for all sides.

I first lived for three years with my collie & her entire pack on the moors before we left together. It was interesting that only my collie bonded with me truly. Despite me offering her brother the same care & exercise it was like he & the 6 or 7 others realised they could not interfere with this bond. How does this work with your pack, is your bond closest with Shadow, Scrap, or equal with both dogs? & has the bond with your first two remained unaffected by the attention you give the others?

With my collie it had repercussions, when they got a chance they tried to kill her quite early on. I had to reorganise the pack leadership quickly & she soon became the alfa between 8 & 10 months old. She became fearless in life & once tried to protect me from a speeding car!

Originally Posted by Fede86 View Post

Nevertheless, I guess collecting other people's experiences may be helpful.
some good & positive experiences may have a place. It is certainly helping me to find a more balanced view.

Originally Posted by Fede86 View Post

About "training", I wouldn't know since I never did that seriously (only for fun)... personally, I only cared about "education". I ask very "little" to my dog (to be able to walk at heel, with or without a leash on, to stop when I say to stop and to come when I call him) but I tried to make his response to those few requests reliable in more and more difficult situations.
Thankyou for the advice, I find it very interesting that the commands were simple but situations gradually increased for him to cope with. It seems that this way he takes the small things you ask very seriously & that they maintain good reason for him. He sounds like a fantastic & faithful friend!

I also do not like encouraging a dog with food, merely that they will like there own & take pleasure from it. In training & learning I need to reserve judgement & plan both ways depending on how I find her young character & how well we can relate & learn without a chicken in my pocket & a car full of stinking tripe
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