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Old 13-12-2012, 01:02   #150
Posts: n/a

"By the way, the correct translation of vlciak is not wolfdog." What does that have to do with this conversation?

You have clearly misunderstood what I've been saying.
"Fact is you will never know as describing them as being not very reputable does only show that you are not able to understand the point of breeding." I was trying to be reasonable and see your point of view, I don't see how you're trying to use that against me....?

Yukidomari, how are the dogs irresponsibly bred, ligerwolve has been saying that without evidence and she clearly has no credibility what so ever. The breeder of my pups wouldn't even talk to her.

Registration is a piece of paper, if the dog is purebred, it's a czechoslovakian wolfdog, registered or not. I understand that the FCI attempts to control breeding, but just because a breeder is not registered does not mean they're not responsible by any means. There is no evidence to suggest my dogs aren't pure, MOST LIKELY they are pure, and are the only ones in Australia. They have received nothing but admiration from members of the public and have sparked a lot of interest in the breed. That surely would qualify them as excellent ambassadors. They are representing the breed here wether you like or not.

Again I will say. You're making claims without evidence. I don't know if you understand here, every argument you've put forward is based on gossip and hearsay. There is no evidence, we have a pedigree that shows they're pure, are you claiming that is fraudulent? Let me remind you that in many countries, especially Australia, if you make claims like that without evidence, you could prosecuted for defamation.

Last edited by Wolves; 13-12-2012 at 01:04.
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