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Old 09-10-2006, 14:33   #23
z Peronówki
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Originally Posted by Mirkawolf1
I am a bit surprised about this. I am myself owner of two very large females (well above the minimal height), and I never felt ashamed of their size. On the contrary, I am happy about their size. Yet I do not think, they´d look masculine or heavy at all.
Next to a "jackal" looking male, my females will always look more heavy and "masculine", because they look like real dogs.
On the other side, compared to normal masculine looking male (see picture), there is no doubt who is female and who is male. And that even when the male is actually almost on the height limit.
Mirka - it is a I wrote - I do not say ALL dogs which are bigger must be untypical. I say ALMOST ALL are untypical.
You show your dogs in the countries of "jackals".... Every typical female will be bigger and stronger than "jackal" males....

When I write about 'masculine females' I do not mean the case when one judge which do not have any idea about this breed wrote such words in the show card... I mean females which are bigger and STRONGER that strong build Czech males... I say about females which have very bad contact with the males of this breed because the males are mislead by their look - even the males think it is a male and are growling on them because they do not recognize it is a female....

And in the most cases the untypical look is connected with the size. The same is with males. Sure they are very nice and very typical males which are bigger than 70cm but the majority of the males which are bigger than 70 cm is untypical: too heavy, too molosoid.

My larger female has better movement, than many smaller females or males that I´ve recently met. She can run 20 km, or more, without being tired (but I do!). And she looks like a wolf when trotting, opposite to smaller dogs, that look like jackal hopping ..
You right - the endurance runs are one of the best ways to make proper selection. I know CzWs which are almost on the minimum of the size which were not able to pass the exams because of their wrong body build. But most of the dogs which are not able to pass it are HUGE and HEAVY.
It is the reason why I think the endurance run should be taken into consideration during the bonitation results. If we will decide that ONLY dogs which passed the endurance exams (SVP1 would be enough) with excellent note would get the P1 we would have no more too heavy, untypical dogs which get the perfect code but which are not able to run even 20km. The test would be the best criterion to say which dog is typical and which is not. Because the "typical" look is not connected with the size but with the body proportions. Such step will finish the old story with the size - it would be simple:
Because we all know dogs which are called "perfect", P1, "great" and "typical" by their owners but were almost tired to death after the 20 km run....

Originally Posted by Mirkawolf1
And with such large female, logically smaller sized males (65, 66 or 67 cm) can be used without worries, that the pups will not achieve the minimal height. Which can easily happen, if mating males and females both closely to the height limit.
No - the story with the size is much more complicated... We already saw that the size of the parents is not so important as their "genes"... Just look on your female - she is over the average size but her parents are almost on the minimum size. And she is "Slovak line" it means "supposedly" the small one... If you get different males (with the same height) for the same female you will get puppies which have different size...

At the moment I will say there is no more problem with the dogs which do not reach the minimum size in the origin countries. I heard from different breeders about one line where the dogs do not reach the minimun because of their "genes" but the dogs are very INBREEDED and not from SK or CZ. I heard rumors about the same problem in some French kennels but I didn't saw the dogs so far and because the bonitation results are missing I can not confirm it...

Originally Posted by Mirkawolf1
But what really matters, is the way the dog is built. If the female is 68cm, moves lightly and looks like female (next to normal looking males), then there is no problem.

Originally Posted by Mirkawolf1
Maybe the bigger problem we have, is that there starts to appear a lot of males, that are not having typical masculine head and body built. And if the male is not looking like a male, it is fault against the standard. But it cannot be solved by eliminating larger females, so that the males "look masculine" next to them.
And here is the difference - what you write is right when we speak about "your" countries (NL, FR, LU, BE)... You have there problem with males which have too light bones, too small, which have too narrow heads with feminine look. The females are OK.
But here the story is different - we have more females which are too masculine, too huge, too heavy.
I can tell you - on one summer camp I saw WONDERFUL male. I was prepared to use this male to cover my female. The male was great - beautiful dry head, large size, great body.... Jolly from the begining was crazy about him - she really liked him... But this male had no tescticle.... I was shocked when I asked the owner for name of this dog and I heard it was ... a FEMALE.... I'm really not a begginer which is not able to distinguish CzW male from CzW female.... And I'm talking about such cases like this...

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