Wolfdog database

General information
Owner name:Hadjigeorgiou (Χατζηγεωργίου), Giorgos (Γιώργος)
Kennel name:Kyperský vlk
kennel breeding dogs with FCI registered (or recognized) pedigrees
Città: Brno
Telefono:+420 733 342557
More contact info:Forum: wolfspirit

2024-04-07 - Kyperský vlk
Anunkhasan Phahin Shůnka x Bosorka Strážca divočiny

Earliest date of pick up:2024-04-07
Padre:Anunkhasan Phahin Shůnka, HD: A (0/0), ED: A (0-0), DM: N/N
This dog does not have any show titles yet...
Madre:Bosorka Strážca divočiny, HD: A (0/0), ED: A (0-0), DM: N/DM
2 x res. CAC
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