2013-05-10 - VDH-Europasieger-Zuchtschau - Dortmund

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Judge:Juan Naveda Carrero (ES)
Show date:10/05/2013
Submitted by:Drago
Submitted on:12/05/2013
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Ben the Wolf I. Lord of LasvegasexcellentEuropean Junior Winner
 2. Eska von der Wolfspfotevery good
Champion class
 1. Keoma vom Westerwälder BergexcellentBOB, Best Male, CAC, CACIB, European Winner, VDH-ChA
Youth class (9-18 months)
 1. Indian Naala Spirit of the WolfexcellentBest Junior, European Junior Winner
 2. Bonita the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegasexcellentres. Youth Winner
 3. Jacy Aleshanne II od Úhoště (MIX: Saarloos?)excellent
Middle class
 1. Ylva z Peronówki FCIexcellentVDH-ChA
 2. Du Du Samah von Paraj Autaexcellentres. VDH-ChA
Open class
 1. Avaneeh Anjel od BokryzaexcellentBest Female, CAC, CACIB, European Winner, VDH-ChA
 2. Whispering Wolf (MIX: Saarloos?) Catori Lizaexcellentres. CAC, res. CACIB, res. VDH-ChA
 3. Belle Sissi' Auta Paraj -von Paraj Autaa- (MIX: Saarloos!)excellent
Veteran class
 1. Caya Zlatá PalzexcellentBest Veteran